2- People tell you "So... Translator... You just study a foreign language? You work as a teacher, right? What else do you do? How many languages do you speak?"
3- People ask you how to say something in a different language, because a translator is supposed to have learnt the whole dictionary by heart...
4- You admit you suck at maths.
5- You know how to use Trados, Wordfast, etc.
6- Sleeping is not as important as deadlines.
7- You realise that you can't avoid learning new things all the time with each text you translate.
8- You learn to loathe gerunds and false friends.
9- You know Alicia Zorrilla.
10- You're aware of issues such as gender and political correctness, which no one around you seems to care about.
11- You frequently have nightmares in which you're chased by Saussure, Chomsky, Halliday or Pinker.
12- You find certain words, expressions or translations utterly amusing... Yes, you laugh at words.
13- You have fun translating proverbs or idioms literally, such as "putting was the goose".
14- You finally learn how to use proper punctuation.
15- You find yourself looking up a word in the dictionary and you know you've already looked it up a thousand times before in your life.
16- You have run out of insults because this peculiar word seems to be nowhere in the world, but in the text you need to translate.
17- You find out how much money you've spent in books, photocopies and dictionaries and you realize you could be a millionaire if you had saved up all that money.
18- You can remember making weird noises to yourself, just because you were practising your Lenis Voiced Dental Fricative.
19- You know that the same meaning is hidden in these two sentences: "It's rude to point" and "Deixis is rude".
20- You know that the Spanish words "interface" and "interfaz" are not synonyms.
21- You can hold a coherent conversation with a colleague about derivational morphology or passive and middle voice.
22- You can list all the differences between unergative and unaccusative verbs, and you know the difference between a creole and a pidgin.
23- You know the difference between PRO and traces, and ECM and subject/object control verbs.
24- You know the different countless types of Spanish polysemic "se".
25- Drawing trees is the worst thing that can ever happen to you, because it no longer means pencils, branches and leaves, but subject, tense phrase and wh- movement.
26- You no longer distinguish weekends from the other days of the week, since weekends are no longer equated to leisure time, relaxation, happiness and glory.
27- You know how useless the RAE dictionary is, but you learn to cope with it.
28- You've got so used to working on your own, that sometimes you think you have a phobia for crowds.
29- You've resorted so many times to all techniques for keeping you awake for hours, that you've become an expert on the cafeine content of ALL drinks.
30- It doesn't matter how hard you try to achieve the best translation, there's always going to be someone who will disagree and would suggest changing absolutely everything.
31- You must refrain yourself from slapping people on their faces when you hear them producing horrible ungrammatical sentences.
32- You find yourself surrounded by too many women and few men, which is great.
33- You're starting a band called "Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously", and your hit song is "I'm a lonely NP".
19- You know that the same meaning is hidden in these two sentences: "It's rude to point" and "Deixis is rude".
20- You know that the Spanish words "interface" and "interfaz" are not synonyms.
21- You can hold a coherent conversation with a colleague about derivational morphology or passive and middle voice.
22- You can list all the differences between unergative and unaccusative verbs, and you know the difference between a creole and a pidgin.
23- You know the difference between PRO and traces, and ECM and subject/object control verbs.
24- You know the different countless types of Spanish polysemic "se".
25- Drawing trees is the worst thing that can ever happen to you, because it no longer means pencils, branches and leaves, but subject, tense phrase and wh- movement.
26- You no longer distinguish weekends from the other days of the week, since weekends are no longer equated to leisure time, relaxation, happiness and glory.
27- You know how useless the RAE dictionary is, but you learn to cope with it.
28- You've got so used to working on your own, that sometimes you think you have a phobia for crowds.
29- You've resorted so many times to all techniques for keeping you awake for hours, that you've become an expert on the cafeine content of ALL drinks.
30- It doesn't matter how hard you try to achieve the best translation, there's always going to be someone who will disagree and would suggest changing absolutely everything.
31- You must refrain yourself from slapping people on their faces when you hear them producing horrible ungrammatical sentences.
32- You find yourself surrounded by too many women and few men, which is great.
33- You're starting a band called "Colourless Green Ideas Sleep Furiously", and your hit song is "I'm a lonely NP".
34- You measure your daily life in translations... (e.g. "When I get this translation done, I'll have dinner")
35- Your alarms go off every time you read a restaurant menu.
36- A friend asks for the meaning of a word and you clear your throat and start giving a lecture on etymology.
37- You keep 12 web pages open at the same time while you're working.
38- It takes you at least 10 minutes to look up just one word in a dictionary, because you find at least 10 other interesting words before the one you need.
35- Your alarms go off every time you read a restaurant menu.
36- A friend asks for the meaning of a word and you clear your throat and start giving a lecture on etymology.
37- You keep 12 web pages open at the same time while you're working.
38- It takes you at least 10 minutes to look up just one word in a dictionary, because you find at least 10 other interesting words before the one you need.
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