
My photo
“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.” ― Stephen Chbosky
We must not expect happiness. It is not something we deserve. When life goes well, it is a sudden gift; it cannot last forever.


Orca Attacks on Humans

There have been very few, at least three, cases of wild orcas attacking humans none of which have been fatal, and probably misidentified the human as prey. However, in captivity there have been several attacks some of which have been fatal.

  • 1968 - Lupa, New York Aquarium chased her trainers out of the tank whilst they were cleaning the tank.
  • 1970 - Cuddles, Dudley Zoo and Flamingo Park, England attacked his trainers twice and became so aggressive they had to clean his pool from a shark cage.
  • 1970s - Hugo and Lolita, Miami Seaquarium became aggressive, lunging and snapping at trainers on the centre work island.
  • 1970s - Nepo, Marine World California dragged his trainer to the bottom of the tank.
  • 1970s - Orky II, Marineland of the Pacific, USA seized his trainer and held him at the of the tank until he nealy lost consciousness.
  • 1970s - Skana, Vancouver Aquarium dragged a trainer around the pool.
  • 1971 - Shamu, SeaWorld, San Diego threw a trainer from her back and grabbed the woman by her leg, she required 100 stitches.
  • 1975 - Hugo, Miami Seaquarium, during a water work session refused to allow his trainer out of the water and bit him several times, leaving a scar.
  • 1975 - Hugo grabbed another trainer and thrashed him, Lolita then joined in, any injuries weren’t reported.
  • 1978 - Orky II dragged another trainer to the bottom of the tank and held her there for nearly 4 minutes.
  • 1984 - Kandu V, SeaWorld, California pinned her trainer against a tank wall during a performance.
  • 1986 - Kandu 7, Marineland Ontario dragged his trainer arouund the pool by his leg during a trick, the trainer was taken to hospital.
  • 1987 - Kenau SeaWorld, San Diego grabbed a trainer and dragged him to the bottom of the tank and then carried him bleeding all the way back to the surface, Kandu V then slammed into him and they both repeatedly dragged him to the bottom of the pool, the trainer was cut all around his torso, had a ruptured kidney and a six-inch laceration of his liver.
  • 1987 - Kandu V landed on top of her trainer and pushed her to the bottom of the pool, the trainer suffered from a fractured neck.
  • 1989 - Nootka IV, Sealand of the Pacific pulled her trainer into the tank while the trainer had her hand in the mouth of the orca in order to scratch its tongue, the trainer needed several stitches.
  • 1989 - Nootka IV grabbed a tourist’s camera that was accidentally dropped into the tank, a trainer attempted to retrieve the camera but was pulled into the pool.
  • 1991 - Haida II, Nootka IV, and Tilikum, Sealand of the Pacific killed a trainer when she accidentally slipped and fell into the tank, they grabbed her by the foot and dragged her into the pool and they pushed and threw the trainer around the pool.
  • 1999 - at SeaWorld, Orlando a deceased man was found nude in one of the orca tanks, draped across Tilikum, an autopsy revealed that the man died of a combination of hypothermia and drowning, the man was covered in bruises, abrasions and bite marks.
  • 1999 - Kasatka, SeaWorld, San Diego grabbed her trainer by the leg and attempted to throw him from the pool during a public show.
  • 2002 - a trainer working at SeaWorld, Florids was hospitalized for a broken arm and several minor injuries after doing poolside work with Orkid and Splash.
  • 2004 - Kyuquot, SeaWorld, San Antonio repeatedly jumped on top of his trainer forcing him underwater and stopped the trainer from escaping the water, after several minutes he exited the pool unhurt.
  • 2005 - Taku, SeaWorld, Florida repeatedly bumped into his trainer who was later taken to hospital for minor injuries.
  • 2006 - Orkid, SeaWorld California grabbed a trainer by the foot and pulled him to the bottom of the tank, he suffered a torn ligament in his ankle.
  • 2006 - Kasatka, SeaWorld, San Diego grabbed her trainer by the foot and dragged him to the bottom of the tank twice during a show, this was the second documented incident of Kasatka attacking her trainer.
  • 2007 - at Loro Parque, Spain a trainer was hospitalized after she was injured during a training session, the orca (possibly Tekoa) crashed into the trainer injuring her right lung and breaking her forearm in two places.
  • 2008 - Freya, Marineland Antibes pulled a trainer under the water, when the trainer resurfaced Freya began jumping on top of the man he escaped seeming unhurt.
  • 2009 - Keto, Loro Parque killed his trainer during a rehearsal for a Christmas Day, he reportedly rammed the trainer in the chest, an autopsy report revealed that he died due to serious injuries he sustained from the attack, including multiple compression fractures and tears to his vital organs with the bite marks all over his body.
  • 2010 - Tilikum, SeaWorld, Orlando killed a trainer during a show, officials confirmed that Tilikum grabbed his trainer by her ponytail and pulled her into the water and drowning her, the autopsy determined that the trainer died of “multiple traumatic injuries and drowning”.

In other words, don’t be surprised when another trainer dies at the hands of a captive orca. None of this would have happened if the orcas remained in the wild, where they belong.


Make yourself into a Disney Princess


Ho la piantina solareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Random thoughts

  • Vorrei comprarmi un paio di infradito per quest'estate, fa troppo caldo.
  • Vorrei visitare sta benedetta Miami una volta per tutte.
  • Vorrei cercare e trovare un lavoro.
  • Vorrei avere una migliore amica con cui potermi confidare e scherzare.
  • Vorrei avere la conferma che tutti i sacrifici che sto facendo valgano qualcosa.
  • Vorrei riuscire a rimanere sveglia per almeno 72 ore per poter studiare senza interruzioni e senza abbiocco.
  • Vorrei uscire e passarmi la giornata a prendere il sole in allegria.
  • Vorrei potermi sentire libera e realizzata.


Cattivi Esempi

Il presidente del colosso dell’energia crollato in Borsa dopo il disastro di Fukushima ha convocato una conferenza stampa per chiedere scusa ai giapponesi. Si è prodotto nel classico inchino e ha lasciato la poltrona per sempre, senza pretendere neppure una busta-paga d’addio. Anche il primo ministro ha rinunciato al suo stipendio fino a quando l’emergenza nucleare non sarà superata. Si tratta di reazioni emotive, tipiche dei Paesi meno evoluti. Da noi, per dire, non potrebbero verificarsi. Il capo di un’azienda sull’orlo del fallimento convocherebbe una conferenza stampa per insultare chiunque osasse muovergli una critica. Si atteggerebbe a vittima di un complotto, a capro espiatorio, a benefattore incompreso dell’umanità. Infine si degnerebbe di rassegnare le dimissioni, ma solo dopo aver trattato con il suo successore una liquidazione miliardaria.

Proprio l’aspetto economico, se vogliamo il più prosaico, è quello che alimenta le mie perplessità di cittadino poco evoluto. Non metto in dubbio che l’aggressività, il vittimismo e la maleducazione siano i requisiti del vero leader. Stento invece a cogliere il nesso fra i risultati fallimentari e i riconoscimenti in denaro, specie quando i soldi appartengono ai contribuenti. Non dico di abbassarci al livello del Giappone. Ma (l’esempio, sia chiaro, è puramente ipotetico) se un programma della tv di Stato venisse chiuso per mancanza di pubblico dopo appena una puntata, non sarebbe un comportamento fin troppo evoluto versare egualmente al protagonista del programma la cifra pattuita di un milione di euro?



I wish I could sing this right now

Hello sunshine
So glad to see you sunshine
Hello sunshine
It's been dark for a very long time

I can't explain what I've been through
(No no)
Trying to live my life without you
People say I act so strange
(Oh yeah)
But you got the power to make me change

Without you sunshine
(Without you sunshine)
The world is such a lonely place
And without you sunshine
(Without you sunshine)
My heart was filled with an empty space
(My heart)

Without you sunshine
(Without you sunshine)
The wind and the rain
The wonders of spring
Don't mean a thing

Without you baby
Without you baby
Without you baby
Without you baby
(Without you)

Now I know everything is alright
(You know)
No more pain no more sleepless nights
(Oh yeah)
My days were dark but now I see
(Oh yeah)
Because my sunshine has come home to me.

Hello Sunshine
Aretha Franklin


Un rayo de luz en mi soledad

que ya se ha apagado.

Ragionamento: servizio civile - soldi - pochi- ma soldi da mettere via ogni mese - tenere duro - mettere via lameno mille euro per il corso (vitto e alloggio inclusi) - pagare una bazzeccola per il passaporto e....... MAIAAAAAAAMIIIIIIIIIIIII!

Già....e i soldi per (soprav)vivere la due settimane?

Perchè la fortuna sfacciata deve sempre baciare gli altri e a me no.....

when people ask me if i am normal


To wake at dawn with a winged heart....

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Svegliarsi all' alba con un cuore alato e dire grazie a un nuovo giorno d' amore;
Riposare nell' ora meridiana e meditare sull'estasi amorosa;
Tornare a casa con gratitudine la sera..
e addormentarsi con una preghiera
per chi amate nel cuore e un canto di lode sulle labbra

Kahlil Gibran

tumblr lkf0ax Xp Lw1qc0adeo1 100

Sarà così?

Gli opposti non sono elementi contrari tra loro,
ma le componenti di una stessa unità.

Detto taoista