
My photo
“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.” ― Stephen Chbosky
We must not expect happiness. It is not something we deserve. When life goes well, it is a sudden gift; it cannot last forever.


Blame on it for having fallen in love

Oxytocin. The hormon of love


No me enseñaste como estar sin ti

Llama no importa la hora que yo estoy aqui
entre las cuatro paredes de mi habitacion
y es importante al menos decirte
que esto de tu ausencia duele, y no sabes cuanto

Ven aparece tan solo comunicate
que cada hora es un golpe de desolacion
es demasiado aburrido no estar a tu lado

Ven que mi alma no quiere dejarte ir
que los minutos me acechan, aqui todo es gris
que alrededor todo es miedo y desesperanza

Ven que nunca imaginaba como era estar sola
que no es nada facil cuando te derrotan
que no se que hacer, y aqui no queda nada de nada

No me enseñaste como estar sin ti
Y que le digo yo a este corazon
Si tu te has ido y todo lo perdi
Por donde empiezo, si todo acabo
No me enseñaste como estar sin ti
Como olvidarte si nunca aprendi

Llama y devuelveme todo lo que un dia fui
esta locura de verte se vuelve obsesion
cuando me invaden estos dias tristes
siempre recuerdo mi vida, yo como te amo

Ven que mi cuerpo la pasa extrañandote
que mis sentidos se encuentran fuera de control
es demasiado aburrido no estar a tu lado

Ven que nunca imaginaba como estar sola
que no es nada facil cuando te derrotan
que no se que hacer, que aqui no queda nada de nada

No me enseñaste como estar sin ti
Y que le digo yo a este corazon
Si tu te has ido y todo lo perdi
Por donde empiezo, si todo acabo
Como olvidarte si nunca aprendi

No me enseñaste amor como lo hago sin ti

Thanks Facebook

for remind me of my anniversary


Il significato di Alejandro

Il video di Alejandro si incentra principalmente su tre temi: la guerra, l' omosessualità e la chiesa.Nel testo compaiono tre nomi, ossia tre uomini: Alejandro, Fernando e Roberto, che rispecchiano i tre mali che, secondo Gaga, l'uomo procura sugli altri uomini. Alejandro è il male della forza e della guerra, che compare nelle prime scene (l'uomo col cappello pieno di borchie), Fernando è il male dell'omofobia, che compare in colui che è dominato da Gaga inizialmente sul letto e Roberto è il male delle false "opere buone" della chiesa, che compare nella scena finale, accanto alla suora che muore. Queste tre figure tormentano Gaga nell'intero video, la quale è prima regina oscura, simbolo della forza e della guerra, poi ritorna umana, semplice, brutta, simbolo della normalità e infine diviene suora, simbolo della chiesa. Gaga analizza ognuno dei tre uomini, ossia ognuno delle tre paure, dei tre mali e nella scena nella quale lei è profeta (quando è incappucciata) condanna queste tre fobie: prima la guerra con il cuore "morto" di Alejandro (contrassegnato con una "A" in fili di ferro) e la sua tomba (quindi Alejandro è morto e con lui anche il suo significato, cioè la guerra), poi l'omofobia con la scena dei letti sui quali si dimenano uomini omosessuali (facile da capire, perchè indossano scarpe con tacchi) che ottengono il controllo totale sull'umanità rappresentata da una Gaga che, inizialmente dominante, diviene sottomessa, meschina e brutta com'è brutta la società nella quale viviamo (e si spiega il perchè lei ha look belli, poichè come l'umanità non cura se stessa, lei non cura se stessa). Infine, Roberto con la scena dell'ingoio del rosario e della morte della suora, sono simboli di una condanna totale.Il video non ha uno svolgimento cronologico dei fatti, enfatizzando il tutto e non dando un senso lineare al video che alla prima visione è difficile da interpretare. Non mancano esplicite provocazioni, ma sappiamo bene che è nell'arte di Gaga farle.


My facourite quotes from....

.... The Little Mermaid By Hans Christian Andersen

  • She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful; and while her sisters would be delighted with the wonderful things which they obtained from the wrecks os vessels, she cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun, excepting a beautiful marble statue. It was the representation of an handsome boy, carved out of pure white stone, which had fallen to the bottom of the sea from a wreck.
  • She rose just as the sun was setting, and this, she said, was the most beautiful sight of all. The whole sky looked like gold, while violet and rose-colored clouds, which she could not describe, floated over her; and, still more rapidly than the clouds, flew a large flock of wild swans towards the setting sun, looking like a long white veil across the sea. She also swam towards the sun; but it sunk into the waves, and the rosy tints faded from the clouds and from the sea.
  • Then she fetched a number of people, and the mermaid saw the prince came to life again, and smiled upon those who stood round him. But to her he sent no smile; he knew not that she had saved him. This made her very unhappy, and when he was led away into the great building, she dived down sorrownfully into the water, and returned to her father's castle. She had always been silent and thoughtful, and now she was more so than ever.
  • They must also die, and their term of life is even shorter than ours. We sometimes live to three hundred years, but when we cease to exist here we only become the foam on the surface of the water, and we have not even a grave down here of those we love. We have not immortal souls, we shall never live again; but, like the green sea-weed, when once it has been cut off, we can never flourish more. Human beings, on the contrary, have a soul which lives forever, lives after the body has been turned to dust. It rises up through the clear, pure air beyond the glittering stars. As we rise out of the water, and behold all the land of the earth, so do they rise to unknown and glorious regions which we shall never see.
  • "Why have not we an immortal soul?” asked the little mermaid mournfully; “I would give gladly all the hundreds of years that I have to live, to be a human being only for one day, and to have the hope of knowing the happiness of that glorious world above the stars."
  • “So I shall die,” said the little mermaid, “and as the foam of the sea I shall be driven about never again to hear the music of the waves, or to see the pretty flowers nor the red sun. Is there anything I can do to win an immortal soul?”“No,” said the old woman, “unless a man were to love you so much that you were more to him than his father or mother; and if all his thoughts and all his love were fixed upon you, and the priest placed his right hand in yours, and he promised to be true to you here and hereafter, then his soul would glide into your body and you would obtain a share in the future happiness of mankind. He would give a soul to you and retain his own as well"
  • “But think again,” said the witch; “for when once your shape has become like a human being, you can no more be a mermaid. You will never return through the water to your sisters, or to your father’s palace again; and if you do not win the love of the prince, so that he is willing to forget his father and mother for your sake, and to love you with his whole soul, and allow the priest to join your hands that you may be man and wife, then you will never have an immortal soul. The first morning after he marries another your heart will break, and you will become foam on the crest of the waves.”
  • The prince asked her who she was, and where she came from, and she looked at him mildly and sorrowfully with her deep blue eyes; but she could not speak. Every step she took was as the witch had said it would be, she felt as if treading upon the points of needles or sharp knives; but she bore it willingly, and stepped as lightly by the prince’s side as a soap-bubble
  • I have given away my voice forever, to be with him.
  • “Do you not love me the best of them all?” the eyes of the little mermaid seemed to say, when he took her in his arms, and kissed her fair forehead.“Yes, you are dear to me,” said the prince; “for you have the best heart, and you are the most devoted to me; you are like a young maiden whom I once saw, but whom I shall never meet again. I was in a ship that was wrecked, and the waves cast me ashore near a holy temple, where several young maidens performed the service. The youngest of them found me on the shore, and saved my life. I saw her but twice, and she is the only one in the world whom I could love; but you are like her, and you have almost driven her image out of my mind. She belongs to the holy temple, and my good fortune has sent you to me instead of her; and we will never part.”
  • “I must travel,” he had said to her; “I must see this beautiful princess; my parents desire it; but they will not oblige me to bring her home as my bride. I cannot love her; she is not like the beautiful maiden in the temple, whom you resemble. If I were forced to choose a bride, I would rather choose you, my dumb foundling, with those expressive eyes.” And then he kissed her rosy mouth, played with her long waving hair, and laid his head on her heart, while she dreamed of human happiness and an immortal soul.
  • This was the last evening that she would breathe the same air with him, or gaze on the starry sky and the deep sea; an eternal night, without a thought or a dream, awaited her: she had no soul and now she could never win one. All was joy and gayety on board ship till long after midnight; she laughed and danced with the rest, while the thoughts of death were in her heart.
  • and for every tear a day is added to our time of trial!

Updating my wishlist...

  • L'Enigma delle Sirene. Due corpi un nome.
Un viaggio sul Mediterraneo che tocca Partenope, Neapolis, Hierapolis, Ascalona, per poi approdare sull'altra sponda del Mare Nostrum, in Palestina, prima di fare ritorno a Napoli. E anche un viaggio da un estremo all'altro del tempo in un affascinante itinerario mitologico sulle tracce della sirena, attraverso le sue molteplici forme e le sue costruzioni culturali, per cogliere il segreto di questa creatura che continua ad abitare il nostro immaginario assumendo sempre nuove sembianze: donna-uccello, donna-pesce, dea Syria, Semiramide. Ma che incarna sempre un destino doppio, due corpi e un nome. A quest'enigma della doppia natura delle seduttrici per antonomasia, si cerca qui di dare una risposta. Un mistero che, sin dall'incontro fatale con Ulisse, rappresenta una sfida lanciata alla ragione dell'Occidente.

Elisabetta Moro Ed. L'Ancora del Mediterraneo

  • Il riscatto della sirenetta. Da metafora a simbolo: il sacrificio al servizio del processo di crescita

Il significato profondo di una fiaba è racchiuso nelle sue metafore. Esplicitarle equivale ad accedere al tessuto simbolico e, quindi, alla dimensione di cura delle fiabe. È proprio nel processo di passaggio dalla metafora-sintomo al simbolo-cura che si dispiega tutta la loro valenza terapeutica. L'autrice del volume, ispirata da una sua paziente che ha portato in analisi la fiaba della Sirenetta perché sentiva di non avere la voce per dire il suo problema, approfondisce la figura della sirena, simbolo di un femminile arcaico non differenziato. Sarà solo nella rinuncia all'ideale "romantico" di conquistare l'anima grazie all'amore di un uomo che il sacrificio diventa la via necessaria per la trasformazione e la crescita interiore. Questa intrigante analisi della metafora della Sirenetta svela i processi inconsci dello sviluppo del femminile, del suo emergere dall'inconscio, del suo prendere l'identità umana e l'aprirsi al mondo della coscienza.

Crema Mariagrazia Ed. Ma.Gi.



Then she fetched a number of people, and the mermaid saw that the prince came to life again, and smiled upon those who stood round him. But to her he sent no smile; he knew not that she had saved him. This made her very unhappy, and when he was led away into the great building, she dived down sorrowfully into the water, and returned to her father's castle.
She had always been silent and thoughtful, and now she was more so than ever.

The Little Mermaid
Hans Christian Andersen





1. I woke up in the afternoon today.
2. I have at least three picture frames in my room.
3. My trash can is full.
4. I love snow globes, but I’d never buy one.

5. I use my regular phone more than my cell phone.
6. I’m single, but I don’t want to be. (depends who it is)
7. My hair is layered.
8. I hate the term “best friend,” but I use it anyway.
9. I get along with my mom more than my dad.
10. I like making beaded bracelets.
11. I’ve never run for class president/treasurer, etc.
12. Most of my friends are white.

13. I have over 150 CDs in my collection.
14. I would rather listen to the radio than CDs.
15. I own whiteout, but I barely ever use it.
16. I’m very shy until you get to know me.
17. Some take my shyness as being mean/rude.
18. Most people probably don’t understand me.
19. I have a very random sense of humor.
20. I do not consider myself attractive.
21. I feel that I’m more mature than most people my age.
22. …But not all the time.
23. I used to pick my nose and wipe it on the wall.
24. I’d rather be cold than hot.
25. I always wait for that one person to sign on.
26. I’m probably online too much for my own good.
27. I am trying to lose weight and it’s not working out very well.
28. I own a LOT of chapstick. A LOT.
29. I love to buy paper… but I barely use it.
30. I write in my paper journal once a day or more.
31. I am an American, yet I find them annoying.
32. I’ve used binoculars the wrong way before.
33. I’m thirsty, but I can’t be bothered to go get something.
34. My best friend is that of the opposite sex.
35. My stomach hurts a little bit right now.
36. Sometimes I feel really, really sorry for myself.
37. Other times I feel really, really lucky.
38. I have a friend (or more) who creeps me out.
39. I have more than one shelf up in my room.
40. It’s sunny out today.
41. ?
42. I’m very picky with food.
43. I have a hard time with directions.
44. I am a little bit obsessive compulsive, I think.
45. I talk to myself in the mirror sometimes.
46 & 47. ?
48. I feel very sick if a movie is gory.
49. I have a lot in common with my best friend.
50. I believe in the theory that opposites attract.
51. I like someone who is at least four years older than me.
52. I’ve started a fire/explosion in the microwave before.
53. I’m worried that one of my pets will die soon.
54. I have cut myself before and sometimes still want to.
55. Never been THAT drunk, but it might be kinda fun.
56. Sometimes I act drunk even when I’m not.
57. It annoys me when people chew loudly.
58. And breathe loudly.
59. And click their pens like crazy.
60. I enjoy bold surveys, mostly ‘cause I have no life.
61. I’d rather have a popsicle than popcorn.
62. I’d rather do laundry than the dishes.
63. Someday, I will go to England.
64. I’d rather be in a dark room than a bright one.
65. My alarm clock annoys me very, very much.
66. When I was younger, I went to summer school for fun.
67. I was made fun of in middle school. That has scarred me.
68. I’ve never eaten sushi and never will.
69. I remember where I was when I first learned to whistle.
70. If Barney is on TV, I will still sit there and watch.
71. MySpace is annoying, but I’m pretty much addicted to it.
72. I hAtE iT wHeN pPl TyPe LyK dIs!!!
73. When I talk to my crush, I basically stop breathing.
74. People have told me that I’m sexy before.
75. I never believe it when they do.
76. I love to write, but whenever I start something new I can’t finish it.
77. I love to read, but I can’t do it for a long time.
78. If I lay down and watch TV, I end up falling asleep.
79. I absolutely LOVE riding my bike.

80. I love to play badminton, but I don’t play often.
81. I have never been on a sports team before.

82. I’m in at least one advanced placement class. (UHHH the whole SCHOOL is kinda AP. -.- so… NA!)
83. I’m in the class of 2009.
84. Jacuzzis and hot tubs are very relaxing.
85. I have stood up and done something else during this survey.
86. I space out a lot, but that’s ‘cause I think too much.
87. I’ve made a shelf in a store collapse before.
88. I’m a big crybaby, and I know it.
89. I wouldn’t mind having a ferret for a pet.
90. I love to watch home videos.
91. I miss my childhood and wish I could go back.
92. I’d rather brush my teeth normal than use an electric toothbrush.
93. Dippin’ Dots are good, but not worth the money.
94. I feel like I’m more confident than I used to be.
95. My friends come to me for advice often.
96. I’ve had over five significant others in my lifetime. (PSSH TRY NONE)
97. I have cheated on one or more of them before.
98. Last year’s math class was completely useless.
99. I hate the fact that I’m growing up. I don’t want to.
100. I miss a lot of my old friends, but not all of them.


Una sirena fuor d'acqua

Aquamarine è una commedia fantasy adolescenziale del 2006, con protagonisti la cantante JoJo, Emma Roberts e Sara Paxton. Il film è stato distribuito nel 2006 ed è vagamente basato sul libro per bambini "Aquamarine" di Alice Hoffman, e diretto da Elizabeth Allen in Australia e negli Stati Uniti.

Hayley e Claire sono due ragazzine di dodici anni che adorano frequentare una spiaggia vicino casa loro, il "Capri Beach Club", perennemente in bolletta, e sul punto di chiudere. Alla fine dell'estate dovranno separarsi perché la madre di Hailey dovrà trasferirsi in Australia. In seguito ad un violento temporale, le ragazze rinvengono nella piscina diverse creature marine, fra le quali una bellissima sirena, Aquamarine, fuggita dal padre, che la voleva vedere sposata con un suo simile. Aquamarine deve dimostrare entro tre giorni al padre che il vero amore esiste, riuscendo a far innamorare di se un giovane umano, Raymond (Jake McDorman), il bagnino della piccola spiaggetta. Le due ragazze decidono di prendere a cuore il compito della sirena; d'altra parte chi aiuta una sirena può esprimere un desiderio. E quindi decidono di aiutarla a conquistare il giovane Raymond, che però sembra avere occhi solo per la ricca e viziata Cecilia, la figlia del presentatore del meteo. Una sera Acquamarine si incontra ad una festa con Raymond e lei si innamora, ma al tramonto lei scappa in un serbatoio d'acqua, e Cecilia con le sue amiche la inseguono e aspettano lì ore e ore ma nulla, così Cecilia, decide di salire sul serbatoio, salita, e nel frattempo le sue amiche annoiate scappano. Cecilia apre la porta dell'entrata e con una luce vede una sirena così corre all'automobile che non c'è più ed è costretta a riandare alla festa a piedi, dove incontra le sue amiche un po' ubriache, e dice loro di aver visto una sirena ma loro non ci credono. Così il mattino dopo lei inventa la scusa al padre di essere era andata a correre ed ha sentito una ragazza intrappolata nel serbatoio cosi il padre decide di andare a vedere; ma Acquamarine nel frattempo scappa. Nel frattempo Claire e Hailey si diriggono al serbatoio sentendo la notizia al telegiornale e si accorgono che acquamarine è scappata così cercano di trovarla e vanno al molo dove acquamarine aveva dato appuntamento a Raymond perché lui le dicesse quali sono i suoi veri sentimenti per lei. Purtroppo conoscendola solo da qualche giorno lui ammette di non amarla ancora e così il padre di Acquamarine provoca una tempesta nella quale viene spinta da Cecilia per gelosia. Così Claire e Hailey si tuffano in mare con la speranza di salvarla e dimostrano al padre di acqua che l'amore esiste. Nel frattempo arriva Raymond con la tavola da surf che chiede un'appuntamento ad Acquamarine. Le due ragazze poi tornano a casa contente per il fatto di avere ancora il desiderio col quale, anche se non possono stare insieme, possono incontrarsi in Australia.



Si danni pure l'anima mia, se non è vero ch'io t'amo.
E il giorno che non t'amassi più, vorrà dir che il caos è tornato sulla terra.


All for love

walked alone with one slipper

Jasmine could have had anyone but instead chose a pour man

Sleeping Beauty let a whole pastime

Belle fell in love with an hideous beast

Ariel walked for the first time on land

All for love. It is about facing
your biggest fears and not letting
the whole moment passing you by.
Live your own FAIRY TALE.